18 January 2014

Bone Broth

An easy recipe: oxtail soup. Yes, I can eat this for breakfast.

I just boiled 2 pieces of oxtail, ginger, pepper, chili, salt, for about one hour in the pressure-cooker. When the meat is soft, I add a few greens, in this case, green onions and kale. I boil it for one more minute and it's ready. I usually keep the rest of the broth. I use it for cooking vegetables during the following days.

Bone broth is an important element in traditional diets in areas where dairy products are not consumed. Here I think of China, Korea, Native American tribes of the north and even Japan.

Does miso soup sound familiar? In traditional Japan, the base broth for miso soup was prepared by boiling fish bones or entire small fish for quite long time, then miso paste (fermented soy bean) was added, plus seafood and various vegetables. This soup is still consumed in Japan almost at every meal. Today's restaurant style miso soup is prepared with instant broth powder containing who knows what kind of ingredients. Then they add miso paste which also contains sugar. It is a far cry for the nutritious soup of traditional Japan.

For more on bone broth, please read this article: The Amazing Health Benefits of Bone Broth.

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