10 March 2016

Sweet Everywhere

Sweeteners (with different names) and alcohol are everywhere, even in your mouthwash products:

Of course, we don't drink it, I'm just wondering what effect it has on dental health.

Other names for sugar and sweeteners:

1. Anhydrous dextrose
2. Agave nectar
3. Beet sugar
4. Brown sugar (light and dark brown)
5. Cane juice (solids)
6. Cane sugar/syrup
7. Carob syrup
8. Caster sugar
9. Coconut sugar
10. Confectioners’ sugar
11. Corn syrup (solids)
12. Crystalline fructose
13. Date sugar
14. Demerara sugar
15. Dextran
16. Dextrose
17. Dehydrated cane juice
18. Dulcitol
19. Erythritol
20. Evaporated cane juice
21. Evaporated cane syrup
22. Evaporated sugar cane
23. Fructose
24. Fructose crystals
25. Fruit juice crystals
26. Fruit juice concentrate
27. Glazing sugar
28. Glucose
29. Glucose syrup
30. Golden sugar
31. Golden syrup
32. Granulated sugar
33. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
34. Honey
35. Icing sugar
36. Invert sugar/syrup
37. King’s syrup
38. Lactose
39. Levulose
40. Maple sugar/syrup
41. Maltodextrin
42. Maltose
43. Malt sugar/syrup
44. Mannitol
45. Mannose
46. Molasses
47. Muscovado
48. Nectar
49. Pancake syrup
50. Panocha
51. Powdered sugar
52. Raw sugar
53. Refiners’ syrup
54. Saccharose
55. Sorbitol
56. Sorghum (syrup)
57. Sucanat
58. Sucralose
59. Sucrose
60. Sugar
61. Superfine sugar
62. Table sugar
63. Treacle
64. Turbinado sugar
65. White sugar
66. Xylitol 
67. Xylose
68. Yellow sugar


  1. Those aren't actual sugars. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol and sucralose is a non-nutritive sweetener that is sold commercially as Splenda. The only bacteria that would digest them are in you gut, not your mouth.

    1. You are right. I think I wrote "sugars and sweeteners" before the list, but not in the article. I'll correct that :)
